



(南阳理工学院 生物与化学工程学院,河南 南阳  473004)
    摘要:利用膨胀珍珠岩和废旧轮胎橡胶粉制备了轻骨料保温砂浆,通过外掺膨胀珍珠岩和橡胶粉,改善了砂浆的保温性能和抗渗透性能,并可以增强砂浆的阻尼性能。研究表明,在m(水泥)∶m(砂子)∶m(膨胀珍珠岩)∶m(橡胶粉)=500∶333∶13.5∶25(kg/m3)时,砂浆的抗压强度为7 MPa,抗折强度为4 MPa,电通量为2450 C,导热系数为0.278 W/(m·K),损耗因子为2.76%。经过对试块在600 ℃高温煅烧2 h后的SEM照片的对比发现,砂浆的耐高温性能良好,可作为建筑外墙保温砂浆使用。
    中图分类号:TU528          文献标识码:A          文章编号:1001-702X(2017)02-0134-03
Study on preparation and performance of lightweight aggregate regenerate rubberize thermal mortar
LI Jin
(School of Biological and Chemical Engineering,Nanyang Institute of Technology,Nanyang 473004,China)
    Abstract:Expanded perlite and waste tire rubber had been used to prepare light aggregate thermal insulation mortar,the thermal insulation,penetration resistance and damping properties of mortar had been improved by mixed perlite and rubber powder. The study showed that:in the condition of mixed concrete 500 kg/m3,sands 333 kg/m3 with 13.5 kg/m3 perlite and 25 kg/m3 rubber powder,the mortar press strength was 7 MPa,rupture strength was 4 MPa,electric flux was 2450 C,thermal conductivity was 0.278 W/(m·K),damping factor was 2.76%. The mortar briquette was watched before and after 600 ℃ for 2 h through SEM,proved it had better temperature resistance and can be used as building exterior wall thermal insulation.
    Key words:thermal mortar,lightweight aggregate,rubber concrete,regeneration