



(1.郑州电力高等专科学校 动力工程系,河南 郑州  450000;2.南阳理工学院 建筑设计院,河南 南阳  473004)
摘要:对聚氨酯、挤塑聚苯板和泡沫混凝土3种常用保温材料进行了耐久性试验,结果表明:泡沫混凝土在冻融循环试验中导热系数变化最大,56 d后增大了11.8%;而在湿热老化循环中导热系数则会减小;挤塑聚苯板在4种耐候性试验中导热系数均增大,但在湿热老化试验中变化最大,56 d后增大了13.5%;聚氨酯在4种耐候性试验中导热系数均增大,但在冻融循环试验中变化最大,56 d后增大了26.7%。因此,建议在湿热地区选用泡沫混凝土作为保温材料,在温度变化不是特别大的地区使用有机类材料作为保温材料。
中图分类号:TU55+1        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2018)12-0134-04
Experimental analysis and application on durability of thermal insulation materials 
LI Yuna1,ZHAO Jinjin1,PENG Dan1,CHEN Jiangtao1,GAO Xin1,HU Peifeng2
(1.Power Engineering Department,Zhengzhou Electric Power College,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
(2.Architectural Design Institute of Nanyang Institute of Technology,Nanyang 473004,China)
Abstract:Durability tests of three kinds of materials,polyurethane,extruded polystyrene board and foam concrete,are carried out. The experimental results show that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of foam concrete in freeze-thaw cycle is the largest,increasing by 11.8% after 56 days,while the thermal conductivity in the wet heat aging cycle decreases. The thermal conductivity of extruded polystyrene board increases in four weathering tests. But changes in the thermal conductivity experiment of hygrothermal aging maximum growth 13.5% after 56 days,ammonia ester increased in 4 kinds of thermal conductivity resistance experiment. However,in the freeze-thaw cycle experiment,the thermal conductivity changes the largest and increases by 26.7%. Therefore,it is suggested that foamed concrete should be chosen as insulation material in hot and humid areas,and organic materials should be used as thermal insulation materials in areas where temperature changes are not particularly large.
Key words:thermal insulation,thermal isolation,durability,thermal conductivity