



(中国建筑材料科学研究总院有限公司,绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室,北京  100024)
摘要:对在秸秆纸面草板表面复合无机面层形成的秸秆复合墙板进行了燃烧等级、2 h耐火极限测试,以验证其耐火性能。燃烧性能试验结果显示,秸秆复合墙板达到B1级难燃材料的要求,并且在燃烧增长率指数、600 s内总产烟量、烟气生成速率指数等指标方面均优于GB/T 9978.1—2008《建筑构件耐火试验方法 第1部分:通用要求》的要求。对结合轻钢框架形成的双层秸秆墙体进行的2 h耐火性能试验显示,背火面平均温升仅17.5 ℃,背火面单点最高温升仅24.4 ℃,远低于标准规定的<140 ℃的要求。经过2 h高达1050 ℃的高温燃烧,背火面基本保持原状,无破裂损伤,墙体未丧失完整性。
中图分类号:TU522.3+9        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2018)11-0101-03
Experiment research on fire resistance performance of composite straw wall panel
CHEN Jihao,CUI Qi,HOU Guoyan
(China Building Materials Academy,State Key Laboratory of Green Building Materials,Beijing 100024,China)
Abstract:The burning behavior class and the 2 h fire endurance of composite straw wall which are made by pasting the inorganic panels to the compressed straw building slab was tested to verify its fire resistance performance. The burning behavior class test show that the composite straw wall panel reached B1 class demand of standard,and the fire growth rate index,total amount of smoke in 600 s,smoke growth rate index are far lower than the standard GB/T 9978.1—2008 "Fire-resistance Test Methods of Building Construction Components Part 1:General requirements". The 2 h fire endurance test of the double-layer composite straw wall with light steel frame shows the mean temperature rise of the back surface is 17.5 ℃,the single point maximum temperature rise is 24.4 ℃,far lower than the requirement of <140 ℃ mentioned in the standard. With 2 h 1050 ℃ fire,the back surface maintains the status quo,has no cracks and damage and keeps integrality.
Key words:straw,composite wall panel,burning behavior class,fire endurance,test research