



(1. 北京市建筑节能与建筑材料管理办公室,北京  100039;2.中国建筑科学研究院 建筑材料研究所,北京  100013)
    摘要:利用废弃的小粒径膨胀珍珠岩制备轻质隔墙板,研究小粒径膨胀珍珠岩掺量、粉煤灰掺量、总水胶比对轻质隔墙板的体积密度、抗压强度和导热系数的影响规律,确定小粒径膨胀珍珠岩轻质隔墙板的配合比范围:小粒径膨胀珍珠岩掺量为33.3%~41.7%,粉煤灰掺量为39%,总水胶比控制在1.1~1.4;制得的轻质隔墙板抗压强度为3.8~6.9 MPa,干表观密度为706~827 kg/m3,导热系数为0.1513~0.1859 W/(m·K)。
    中图分类号:TU55+1.34;TU528.041        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1001-702X(2018)01-0144-03
Application research of small particle size expanded perlite in lightweight partition board
XIANG Zhenyu1,YE Wuping2
(1.The Building Energy Efficiency and Building Materials Management Office of Beijing,Beijing 100039,China;
2.Institute of Building Materials,China Academy of Building Research,Beijing 100013,China)
    Abstract:The small particle size of waste expanded perlite is used to prepare lightweight partition board. The influence law of small expanded perlite admixture,fly ash content and total water/binder ratio on volume density,compressive strength and thermal conductivity of lightweight partition board is studied. The content of the small expanded perlite is in the range of 33.3%~41.7%.The content of fly ash is in 39%. The scope of the total water/binder ratio is 1.1~1.4. The production shows that the compressive strength ranges from 3.8~6.9 MPa,the dry density ranges from 706~827 kg/m3,the thermal conductivity is in a range of 0.1513~0.1859 W/(m·K).
    Key words:small particle size expanded perlite,total water/binder ratio,compressive strength,dry apparent density,thermal conductivity